15+ Gift Ideas for Violin Players and Teachers

Violin players and teachers are both some of the most passionate and dedicated people you will ever meet, which is why they have dedicated so much of their life to the artistry that is violin playing. Whether they are a beginner or pro, there are great gifts for violinist of all skill levels. Below is a list of 15+ great gift ideas for all fiddle lovers.
Strings Magazine Subscription
Published since 1986, Strings share stories from the vibrant community surrounding stringed instruments. For teachers and students, amateurs and professionals, players of violin, viola, cello, bass, and fiddle, Strings is your magazine.
Quality Sartory Rosin
Usually I don't recommend getting a gift that is core to their passion, but a quality rosin is something they will enjoy. This rosin has been made in France since 1884, Sartory/Peccatte rosin is precisely blended to impart the smooth playing characteristics of a light rosin, with the articulation and clarity of a dark rosin.
Violin Mute
This small violin will let them practice with minimal sound. This mute is a highly rated and comes in plastic so it won't scratch the violin.
Custom Violin Stickers
Music lovers, musicians, and violinists will love this fun violin spot art. Give them a gift where they can show off their interest.
Custom Coffee Mug
Mugs are always easy and fun gifts to get for any occasion. Cafepress has many custom designs to choose from including humor, classic, and simple.
Handmade Violin Wall Holder
Go big with a handmade violin wall holder. Each one is carefully handmade to safely hold your valuable instrument. Please be sure to contact the seller beforehand to make sure the dimensions are perfect.
Stradivarius Violin Bookmark
A lot of music lovers are also book lovers. This exquisite bookmark is based on an original Stradivarius violin that was made in Italy in 1693.
Artist Designed Card
A special card and note is always classic and thoughtful. Socient6 has many different cards created by real artists.
A Small Piece of Jewelry
What girl doesn't love jewelry? This cute sterling silver ring is subtle yet beautiful.
Violin Care Kit
Playing the violin can be expensive. Help them protect their investment by getting them a new violin care kit. Sometimes practical gifts are very much needed.
Tickets to a Violin Show (Online or In-Person)
Attending an event is fun and memorable. Live Music Project has a list of upcoming shows in your area. Be sure to click 'view online events' for shows happening online.
Violin Polish & Cleaner
This quality polish is used for cleaning and restoring of traditional string instrument varnish.
Geared Pegs
When it comes to string instrument accessories, geared pegs are a relatively new innovation. These are made of composite and light alloy material, maintaining the traditional hardwood appearance demanded by professional musicians. Installed by pressing into place without glue.
Masterclass Acess: Itzhak Perlman
In his first-ever online class, virtuoso violin player Itzhak Perlman breaks down his techniques for improved practice and powerful performances. Let your giftee learn how to give the most dynamic performance yet.
A 'Thank You' Starbucks Gift Card
Do you want to show appreciation to your child's violin teacher? Sometimes a simple 'Thank You' note and gift card is all that is needed.